30% maize (or corn) meal
10% oil
10% milk powder
40% beans (mashed or ground)
10% sugar
Here's my modified recipe:
Cornmeal porridge based off Unimix recipe
Servings: 10-15
3 cups cornmeal (one container of the Quaker 24oz is about 4 cups)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup milk powder
4 cups of beans (eg, kidney, pinto, garbanzo. I mixed 4 cans of these, drained.)
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup oil
1. Boil 8 cups of water with 1/2 tsp salt in a 6 quart pot.
2. Stir in milk powder and cornmeal. Lower heat to medium low.
3. Keep stirring (about 3 min) then remove from heat.
4. Stir in sugar.
5. Stir in oil.
6. Stir in beans.
Note if you are making larger amounts: The amount of liquid is not necessarily multiplied by the same number that you multiply the other ingredients. For example, if you multiply everything by 3, to boil 24 cups of water and add 9 cups of cornmeal, then add 1 1/2 cups of oil, it's too much liquid. I recommend that you mix one batch at a time instead of trying to make one huge batch. It will also be easier to mix. Also, *most* people will not be feasting off this after the fast, so don't don't count on people eating more than a half or one cup serving.
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